I. Why do people make art?
a. To get attention
b. “Pompousness”
c. Because I have to
i. because I’m compelled to copy God and must satisfy human creativity
ii. Because otherwise ideas are trapped inside my head. Different kinds of art say things that words can’t
d. when trying to figure something else out
e. it’s a natural antidepressant (the act of making art)… also can be a depressant (the content) “I feel less depressed, and I’m making them depressed” – Cameron ;)
f. experimenting with ideas and material
g. to get to know yourself
h. communication
i. cultural change or cultural critique
j. bringing glory to God
k. Asthetics and beauty
l. Letting people in: honesty and vulnerability
m. To challenge something
n. To tell a story
o. To draw attention to specific things
p. Because it’s awesome and fun.
II. Why do people engage in art?
a. We want to be known, and we want to know.
i. Example: facebook!
b. we want to escape from reality
c. to be grounded more deeply in reality
d. for the sake of conversation. “I like to discuss what others have to express”
e. To see different ways of doing things, and to be inspired
f. To connect with emotion
g. For the sake of wonder and awe; it points you to God.
III. How is our approach to art as Christians different and/or similar?
a. Different:
i. Modern art is all about pushing boundaries… about “pompousness.” This doesn’t fit the Christian worldview. There are different goals.
ii. Our worldview infiltrates everything we create. What you believe changes your perspective on everything. As Christians, we look for redemptive qualities where others wouldn’t. We see Christ in the stories.
b. Similar:
i. Various humanistic reasons… for the sake of helping others/communicating truth, changing culture, starting conversations.
ii. Regardless of what we believe, we still reflect God in our act of “subduing and ruling over” our mediums, so to speak.
IV. What prevents the church from engaging in/approving of art?
a. Often the church tries to be “safe”
b. If the art doesn’t specifically preach, it’s not accepted.
c. We like the “feel better” Jesus.
d. It needs to be pretty/decorative
e. There’s no control. It’s messy and doesn’t fit into formulas.
f. Art can be offensive. Many well known artists are against religion. It’s hard to embrace what we see as antichristian.
g. We like things to be black and white.
V. What do we do now?
a. “Die with a refrigerator full of Bibles”
b. Be true to yourself. Your identity is in Christ.
c. Pay attention to what’s going on in the world.
d. Validate and encourage each other. Spend time together.
e. Emphasize the common ground we have with non-Christians as creative humans.