Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Show and TELL!!!

Ok guys, thursday the 12th is going to be a sharing-our-art night. Whether it be a story, song, poem, photo, doodle, whatever.  The goal is to encourage and discuss.
This time, we're gonna have it at my house: 816 20th St. #103.
Feel free to bring any snacks if you're so inclined.  I look forward to seeing what you all have been working on!


1 comment:

  1. Cultivator

    Must build
    Work, think, complete.
    With my hands
    The sweat of my brow
    the fruit of my toil
    desire of my heart.
    Constructions, complexities, obstacles.
    Contemplation, contrivance, execution.
    Physical and tangible
    immaterial and intellectual.
    Formed of the dust of the ground
    filled with the breath of life.
    Made in His image.


    A thousand droplets cascading
    revitalizing on impact
    drenching a withered spirit.
    God’s grace.
