Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I just remembered that I said I was going to post this. I hope yall are doing well and are reflecting on your lives as you imitate the Creator (on a much smaller scale) in your creativity.


Memories don’t fade

they stack.

What was once fresh becomes a still;

a sweet wisp of the sensory registry of a moment long passed.

But for a few drawn-out seconds the still comes to life

and time is halted.

The earth winds its way back and those moments are lived again.

I almost become who I once was.

Almost slipping back into those shoes I realize that my feet have grown.

As I try to cram my feet in

the futility sets in.

Accepting the reality of my ever-changing self

I take the shoes

ever so delicately

and return them to their box

in my closet of memories.

With an inward quietness I slip on a new pair

to start working them in.

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